Gas Appliance Safety
Gas appliance safety tips
For safety and efficiency, 保持你的天然气用具处于良好的工作状态并正确使用它们是很重要的. The following tips can help you prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, fires and other hazards to your health and safety.
- 你的气体器具是否每年由合资格持牌专业人士检查. 如果您接受我们的天然气服务,您可以安排免费的年度 安全检查.
- Take care of any needed maintenance and repairs.
- Keep the area around gas appliances clean, 通风良好,没有任何可能阻碍正常气流的物品.
- 切勿将易燃产品与燃气或发热器具存放在或使用同一房间. Flammable products include gasoline, spray paints, solvents, insecticides, adhesives, foggers, varnish, cleaning products and other pressurized containers.
- 保持抹布、拖把、纸张和其他易燃物品远离电器.
- 永远不要用你的烤箱,炉灶或户外烧烤来加热你的家.
- 有关安装的具体细节,请参阅用户手册, use and maintenance of each appliance.
- 查看可能影响您的电器的安全召回,请访问 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website or by calling the CPSC at 1-800-638-2772; TTY (301) 595-7054.
有时,物理和/或化学过程会导致天然气中气味的损失, making it undetectable by smell. 气味褪色可由吸附、吸收、氧化或其任何组合引起.
- In new, 新制造的或以前未用于加臭天然气的钢管.
- 在天然气管道系统中使用较高的气体压力时 natural gas flow is limited or intermittent.
- In the presence of rust, mill scale, moisture, air, cutting oil, pipe thread compound, liquids, condensates and other substances.
Because of the possibility of odor fade, 重要的是,不要仅仅依靠你的嗅觉来警告天然气泄漏.
有关气味褪色和安全清洗方法的打印表,请参阅我们的 Safety Bulletin.
如果您对管道调节或气味消退有其他问题或担忧,请致电我们 1-800-411-7343 or contact a licensed, qualified professional.
Central forced-air furnace
- 在采暖季节,每月检查过滤器,并根据需要进行清洁或更换.
- 操作时,请确保风机前门板安装正确.
- 保持炉膛热记录干净,无皮棉和灰尘.
- Remove any nearby items that might block airflow.
Floor furnace
- 定期对炉底和周围区域吸尘,防止绒屑积聚.
- Keep children away from the hot furnace grill.
- Do not cover or block the grill. 地毯、家具或可燃物会阻碍空气流通而引起火灾.
Wall furnace
- 在供暖季节,每月清洁内置通风墙炉的燃烧器隔间区域,以防止绒毛积聚.
CAUTION: Do not use unvented gas heaters
使用不通风的天然气、丙烷或煤油空间加热器或壁炉是危险的. 家庭使用这些设备是未经批准的,违反了加州健康和安全法规.
In addition to the general safety tips, 如果你有一个天然气热水器,请记住这些提示.
- If your water heater is installed in your garage, 它必须被抬高,使引燃火焰或其他引燃源至少高于地板18英寸. 检查当地建筑规范和制造商的安装说明是否有例外情况, 如新型可燃蒸气耐燃(FVIR)罐式热水器, 车库内哪些地方可获豁免18英寸的高度规定.
- 将热水器固定装置牢固地安装在墙壁螺柱上,以防止在地震期间移动或倾倒, as required by state law.
- 将热水器恒温器设置为120°F或更低,以减少烫伤的风险并节省能源. (如果你的洗碗机没有增温加热器,可能需要140°F的设置.)
- Hand-test water temperature before bathing or showering. 儿童洗澡水的温度一般不应超过100华氏度.
Don’t install aluminum foil in the oven or range top; it can interfere with exhaust vents and burner ignition operations.
- Always vent your natural gas dryer outdoors. 排气进入阁楼、烟囱、墙壁、天花板或隐蔽空间有火灾风险.
- Use only approved metal vent ducting material. Plastic and vinyl are not approved for gas dryers.
- 定期检查排气管道,确保其没有被压碎或受限制.
- 定期请有资质的专业人员对排气管道内部进行清理.